400 MHz Widebore NMR

Bruker Avance III HD console

The Bruker Avance III HD console is the centerpiece of our 400 MHz widebore NMR system. This system is designed specifically for solid-state NMR applications and has a 300 W pulse amplifier for the 1H/19F channel as well as a 500 W double-channel pulse amplifier for both X and Y. Two high-power broadband preamplifiers (HPPR/2 XBB19F HP) allow highly sensitive detection of nuclear resonances.


Bruker Ascend 400 DNP magnet

The 9.4 T widebore (89 mm) magnet includes a cryo as well as room temperature shim-coil system for high resolution NMR. An additional superconducting sweep coil allows the variation of the magnetic field by +/– 75 mT for an optimum adjustment of DNP matching conditions. The cryo-coils are cooled by liquid helium at a temperature of –269 °C (4.2 K). To minimize the helium evaporation rate, the reservoir is vacuum isolated and additionally shielded by an outer container containing liquid nitrogen.


4 mm MAS WVT H/X/Y

Wide-range CP/MAS triple-resonance probe with rotor insert and eject system. Due to the large rotor diameter the probe allows to measure samples of 80 mg at MAS frequencies of up to 15 kHz.

  • wide temperature range (–120°C to +300°C)
  • H-channel: 1H (with high-power decoupling)
  • Double-resonance mode (HX) with wide tuning range
  • Triple-resonance X/Y combinations: 13C/15N, 31P/23Na-29Si, 11B/23Na-29Si

1.3 mm MAS H/X

High-speed CP/MAS broadband double-resonance probe. The high MAS frequencies of up to 67 kHz allow a high spectral resolution even for 1H NMR in solids.

  • wide temperature range (–30°C to +70°C)
  • H-channel: 1H (with high-power decoupling)
  • Double resonance mode (HX) combinations: 1H/31P – 15N

5 mm static solid-state probe

Double-resonance CP NMR probe with transverse solenoid coil for solid-state experiments of static static. Due to the large volume of the NMR tube a sample of up to 250 mg can be measured.

  • wide temperature range (–150°C to +250°C)
  • 1H/19F channel (with high-power 1H decoupling and cross polarization)
  • X channel: 31P – 15N