Cover pages in scientific journals
Our publications highlighted on the cover pages of scientific journals.
Site-specific dynamic nuclear polarization in a Gd(III)-labeled protein
Jörg Heiliger, Tobias Matzel, Erhan Can Cetiner, Harald Schwalbe*, Georg Kuenze*, and Björn Corzilius*
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2020
Volume: 22
Pages: 25455–25466
DOI: 10.1039/d0cp05021k
Gd(III) and Mn(II) complexes for dynamic nuclear polarization: small molecular chelate polarizing agents and applications with site-directed spin labeling of proteins
Monu Kaushik, Thorsten. Bahrenberg, Thach V. Can, Marc A. Caporini, Robert Silvers, Jörg Heiliger, Albert A. Smith, Harald Schwalbe, Robert G. Griffin, Björn Corzilius
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2016
Volume: 18
Pages: 27205–27218
DOI: 10.1039/C6CP04623A
Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes and Peapods Investigated by EPR
Björn Corzilius, Klaus-Peter Dinse, Kenji Hata
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2007
Volume: 9
Pages: 6063–6072
DOI: 10.1039/B707936M